Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Midlist Writer blog, where he talks about writing, adventure travel, caving, and everything else he gets up to. He also reproduces all the posts from Civil War Horror, so drop on by!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Iraq Victory Lap: my fiction is on sale!

For the month of November I've reduced the prices on my ebooks. My Civil War novel A Fine Likeness is reduced to $2.99 and my short story collection The Night the Nazis Came to Dinner and other dark tales is reduced to only 99 cents!

Why? Several reasons.

1. I'm grateful that I returned safe and sound from traveling in Iraq. Despite all the street food I ate I didn't even get a case of Saddam's Revenge! Here is yours truly with the print edition of my novel at Babylon's Ishtar Gate.

2. My Iraq series for Gadling and my blog tour about my trip will both start this week.

3. I'm psyched that my Jesse James book has been released by Osprey Publishing.

4. I love hearing from new readers and I want more of them!

So if you haven't sampled my fiction, now is the time. The links above are for Amazon, but my Civil War novel is also available on many other online venues such as Barnes and Noble and Smashwords. If the recession is hitting you hard, check out my free historical fantasy novella The Quintessence of Absence over at Black Gate magazine.

If you have read my fiction already, please help out a struggling writer by reviewing it. Feedback is always welcome!


  1. I have your books just haven't had time to read them!!! My iPad is nearing explosion with books.
    Very cool shot of you with your book.

  2. No ,worries, my ereader is about to explode with books too! Actually we tend not to use the word "explode" in Iraq. It's considered bad form and makes the cops nervous. :-)

  3. I'll be sure and read your travel info. Your comment about the word "explode" is appropriate. Bad form, for sure.

    Love that photo above. If you need reviews, perhaps offer 'review' copies and see what happens.

    How old is that wall? I saw something similar with that raised effect in the Louvre Museum.

    1. I've sent out numerous copies for review but most disappear. I've heard this from other authors too. It seems that many of the bigger review sites make promises they don't keep. These were submissions after a good email exchange too, not slush pile submissions. I have gotten some nice reviews though.
      The Ishtar Gate was built around 575 BC by Nebuchadnezzar. Parts are now in Berlin while the rest remains in the original site of Babylon.


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