
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Free Post-Apocalyptic Ebook

Hello from Worldcon! I'm in London at the world's largest, and oldest science fiction convention. I'll be turning 45 here on Saturday, surrounded by science fiction fans. There are worse places to to grow old.

In honor of Worldcon and my oncoming decrepitude, I'm running a special promotion for two of my Toxic World titles of post-apocalyptic books. Radio Hope is on a Kindle Countdown deal. It's usually $3.99 but for August 13-14 it will be 99 cents. On August 15-16 it will be $1.99. On August 17-19 it will be $2.99.

Also, my short story The Scavenger will be free August 14-18.

Grab these titles while they're cheap, and tune in next week for a full convention report and plenty of photos!


  1. I added a link to your free short story on my blog. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You're not getting older. You're getting vintage. :-)

  2. Looks like I missed your promotion. How was Worldcon? I've yet to attend my first convention.

  3. I haven't yet gone to any type of convention yet. How was it?


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