
Friday, April 4, 2014

My post-apocalyptic story The Scavenger is free on Amazon until April 8

In honor of the Post-Apocalyptic A to Z blogfest I'm doing over at Midlist Writer, I'm offering my post-apocalyptic story The Scavenger for free on Amazon for the next five days.

This story is a 67-page teaser for my Toxic World series, which starts with the novel Radio Hope. The Scavenger a standalone story, but it gives a different perspective on some of the places and characters that appear in Radio Hope.

The blurb is below:

In a world shattered by war, pollution, and disease, a lone scavenger discovers a priceless relic from the Old Times.
The problem is, it's stuck in the middle of the worst wasteland he knows--a contaminated city inhabited by insane chem addicts and vengeful villagers. Only his wits, his gun, and an unlikely ally can get him out alive.
Set in the Toxic World series introduced in the novel Radio Hope, this 10,000-word story explores more of the dangers and personalities that make up a post-apocalyptic world that's all too possible.

I'd like to get it in front of as many eyeballs as possible. So please, between now and Tuesday, April 8, feel free to share, like, tweet, etc. Here are some tweets after the jump you can use if you are so inclined.

THE SCAVENGER: free post-apocalyptic science fiction by the author of RADIO HOPE

THE SCAVENGER: post-apocalyptic science fiction by the author of RADIO HOPE. Get your free copy April 4-8

Free for Kindle THE SCAVENGER: post-apocalyptic science fiction by the author of RADIO HOPE

Free ebook! In a world shattered by war and pollution, a scavenger discovers a priceless relic from the Old Times.


  1. Already have it and promoted it for you today! So did Rusty.

  2. Thank you. I have it ready to download. I'm looking forward to reading your writing.

  3. I downloaded my copy, and I tweeted about it for you!

  4. Loved this and did a little review here:

  5. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

  6. I love the creepy cover of this one! Wishing you huge success with this and Radio Hope!

    When researching my A-Z I came across a number of stories about the Revolution and Civil wars and thought of you! Yesterday's post was about Fort Mifflin, and 4/17's post will be about a Gettysburg orphanage.

  7. Heya! I did end up doing some tweeting, but wasn't able to blog about it. Sorry. :-/

    Hope the promotion went well.

  8. Misha: Every little bit helps. Thanks!

  9. pretty nice blog, following :)

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog! Congrats on the new editing job. I hope you crank it out and then can get back to writing soon. Good luck with promo-ing - it's major suckage. :P


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