
Monday, February 3, 2014

People won't be naked in the apocalypse

That caught your attention, didn't it? I'm kicking off my virtual book tour for Radio Hope with a guest post over at Alex Cavanaugh's blog, where I'm tackling the tricky question of why in all those post-apocalyptic books and movies people won't actually be dressed in rags. In fact, the apocalypse will mean we all get to dress better.

Head on over and say hi! I'll be doing several guest posts for blogs over the month of February. Stay tuned.

This shot of the lovely "Monster Guards" hanging out at Bulgaria's Extreme Film Fest 2011 courtesy podoboq.


  1. Not sure about the boots, but otherwise that's sexy.
    Happy to host you today!

  2. I wonder if those are Kevlar undies?

  3. Okay, I'll bite. I want to know why we'll be dressed so well in the apocalypse. (Will I develop a sense of fashion? Probably not.)

  4. The things you guys talk about. . . Good way to distract the men.

  5. The grey rags have always bothered me too. I'm on my way to read your post.


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