
Monday, July 23, 2012

I'm baaaaack!

I've been silent for more than a week on this blog. That's because I was exploring the Orkney Islands off the north coast of Scotland with my family. These islands have always fascinated me because of their remoteness, Viking heritage, and prehistoric monuments. A prime example is the ring of Brodgar, an impressive stone circle on the main island. It's the third biggest stone circle in the UK, pretty impressive considering there are about a thousand in all!

Being a travel writer, my vacations are working vacations, and this was no exception. I wrote an article for an upcoming issue of Handstand travel magazine and I'm starting a series on it for Gadling this week. The scenery and history have also inspired me to write a short story. I'm teaming up with fantasy author A.J. Walker on a short story collection. He's already supplied his stories, now it's my turn!

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