
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

O is for Oxford

As I mentioned in my "E" post, my family and I spend every Easter and summer in England, or more precisely Oxford. We just got back home to Spain from our latest trip. It went well. We saw most of the people we wanted to see and I had a meeting with one of my publishers, Osprey Publishing, to discuss my future titles. While I can't say anything until plans are finalized, it looks like I'll have some good news and some interesting trips pretty soon!

When my wife is working in the astronomy department and my son is at camp, I work in the Bodleian Library. It's one of the largest libraries in the English-speaking world and a treasure trove for any writer. It also has some fine architecture, as you can see from the photo.

Part of the Bodleian is being refurbished and they're put up barriers decorated with their own A to Z, based on their collections!

For more on Oxford, check out my posts about it on Gadling, Midlist Writer, and Grizzled Old Traveler. Two of the most popular articles are about a pagan grove and Norman church and one on the Pitt-Rivers, which is the coolest museum in the world.


  1. Thanks for the virtual tour, Sean. I'm excited for your new assignments. Good luck with them, wherever they take you.

  2. I don't believe I saw the library when I visited Oxford. Of course, there is so much to see, it all becomes a blur.

  3. The Bodleian Library is wonderful. I'm deeply envious of you working there!

  4. Sounds like interesting times ahead, Sean. I would love to visit Oxford, and a few other places there. I envy you your traveling boots.

    I answered your question about kid things to do in Paris in June, and there's a link in my reply, if you don't mind stopping by the blog. Thanks for following.

    Link back to my blog:

  5. It's a beautiful library and this is so fitting for A to Z! I also want to wish you good luck, and thanks for visiting me today! Julie

  6. Have always been curious about the "Oxfordian" way of life and would love to visit that museum. My daughter is studying History at the university here in Norway and is planning a trip to Oxford. You have a lovely blog which I found through the A-Z challenge. Happy alphabet :)

  7. Hi Sean .. what a great post for O - I was at school in Oxford .. and go back when I can .. the hoardings weren't there in October, and I was taken into Rhodes' Library .. but intend to go back sometime for many more visits .. What a wonderful life --- cheers Hilary

  8. Very interesting post. What a beautiful library as well.

    I have been to England but would like to return and see more of it than I was able to do back when.

    Visiting from the A to Z. Happy Blogging!


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