
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shelby's Great Raid: a sneak peak at my next Civil War history book

Osprey Publishing just sent me an advanced author's copy of Ride Around Missouri: Shelby's Great Raid 1863. Earlier this month I blogged about the advance copy I received of my Armies of the Adowa Campaign. As usual, the artist and layout people have made me look good. It's nice writing for a company where everyone cares about their job. That's not as common as it should be in the publishing industry.

This book focuses on one of the Civil War's longest cavalry raids--Confederate cavalryman J.O. Shelby's ride up from Arkansas and through Union-held Missouri. His raiders destroyed infrastructure, skirmished with Union detachments, captured small forts, and led thousands of bluecoats on a merry chase that almost ended in disaster for Shelby at the Battle of Marshall.

This raid secured Shelby's reputation as one of the greatest raiders of the Civil War. Two earlier raids he was on, led by General Marmaduke, are also covered. The book comes out in October.

Shelby was on Price's 1864 invasion of Missouri and is mentioned briefly in my Civil War novel A Fine Likeness, which also comes out in October. Shelby makes an appearance in the as-yet-unnamed sequel. One of the protagonists in that book is in Shelby's Iron Brigade, but deserts in order to fight the war within the war, the battle between Order and Chaos. The second book will be out sometime in 2012.


  1. I just came across your website and am highly impressed - and I've never even read one of your books yet. I have only recently become interested in the Trans-Mississippi theatre and you might say it consumes my time. I've been doing some research on Jo Shelby for my blog and am looking forward to your book - how can I order it? By the way, my name is Jeff Bell and my website is: I recently discovered that my 2xGreat-grandfather fought for the 2nd. Kansas Militia during Price's Raid of 1864 and I am attempting to provide a narrative tribute to these men. I look forward to your blog and upcoming book, Jeff

  2. Hi Jeff! The Shelby book can be bought at all the usual outlets like Amazon and B&N. It's not out until October but is already available for preorder.
    I like your blog! I've always been fascinated with Price's 1864 campaign. It's the backdrop to my novel. I've added your blog to my blogroll.


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