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Monday, December 17, 2012

Reader news!

I have some awesome readers, many of whom are writers, so I've decided to start mentioning their accomplishments here. This week's news:

Missouri writer Donna Volkenannt recently got three items accepted for publication. A reprint of her Christmas short story "Canned Beets" will be included in the Saturday Writers 10th Anniversary Edition, Cuivre River Anthology VI. Her short story "Time to Get Your Jingle On" appears in the Kindle version of Fifty Shades of Santa. She also has a recipe for German Gluhwein coming out on the Panera Bread Company website this month.

I never thought of Panera's website as a potential market. Just goes to show that resourceful writers reap the rewards!

Friend and fellow Madrid Writer's Critique Group member Jennifer Deborah Walker has just launched her new website. She's a new writer coming from an unusual background--she got her Ph.D. in Physics and then realized she didn't want to be a physicist, so right after defending her dissertation she left science behind and launched a freelance career. That takes balls!

Do you have any news you'd like to share here? It can be about writing, history, archaeology, adventure travel, etc. You know what I cover in this blog, so if it's at all related, send it along to the email on the sidebar to the left.


Got something to say? Feel free! No anonymous comments allowed, though. Too many spammers and haters on the Internet.