Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Midlist Writer blog, where he talks about writing, adventure travel, caving, and everything else he gets up to. He also reproduces all the posts from Civil War Horror, so drop on by!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

G is for Grizzled Old Traveler

Grizzled Old Traveler was my very first blog. It ran from 2008-2010 with a total of 199 posts. It was mainly a travel blog with some random personal stuff thrown in. I stopped writing it when I got a paid blogging gig at Gadling (there's another G for you) and saw no reason to continue.

It's still up and got 447 hits last month! Nice to know somebody's still reading it. Or maybe those were just spambots. Whatever. My favorite posts are Ten Reasons the Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory is Stupid and The Thunderbird Photo and False Memory Syndrome. I also wrote a lot about Spain, where I live much of the year.


  1. So you never took it down? Funny it's still getting hits.

    1. It's free to keep up, so I never saw any reason to take it down! Visibility is always good for an author. :-)

  2. I love that people are still going to your old blog. You must have good posts there. I would love to live in Spain.

  3. Blog posts on my Writelink blog from years still get more visitors that the recent ones on that site so someone other than members still access it.

  4. The title of Grizzled Old Traveler has a nice ring to it, so I'm not surprised that it still gets visits. I imagine that the posts, while written some time ago, are still relevant today, so new visitors can find them useful. This is why I doubt that your visits....or a good portion of them, at least, are from people who want to read those posts, not from spambots, lol. I'm interested to know how you got that Gadling gig though :)

    Blog: The Madlab Post
    @MadlabPost on Twitter

  5. Correction: The third sentence in my comment is backwards. I meant that I don't think spambots are visiting your travel blog. I think that the majority of those visits are people who are interested in the information. Sheesh! Boy, do I need to reduce my multitasking!

    Blog: The Madlab Post
    @MadlabPost on Twitter


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