Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Midlist Writer blog, where he talks about writing, adventure travel, caving, and everything else he gets up to. He also reproduces all the posts from Civil War Horror, so drop on by!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Two announcements: Facebook page and new Civil War article

I've been getting several friend requests on Facebook from readers. While I want to interact with everyone, I also want to keep my profile for people I actually know. To solve this, I've set up a public Facebook page. Feel free to Like me over there so you can keep up to date on all my latest publications and what's happening with A Fine Likeness. I'll also be featuring some giveaways exclusive for FB followers.

In other news, I've posted an article on Gadling related to the Trans-Mississippi Theater. The Honey Springs battlefield in Oklahoma may become a national park. This is promising news for everyone interested in preserving the legacy of the Civil War. Check out the link for more details.


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