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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Fine Likeness gets a cover!

My brother-in-law Andrés has designed a cover for my Civil War horror novel A Fine Likeness. It incorporates a photo I got off the Library of Congress archive. I didn't find this photo until a couple of years after I wrote the scene and was blown away that these guys are posed almost exactly as Jimmy's band of bushwhackers were posed when they got their photo taken. The only difference is that in the book there are six people, while in this photo there are only five. But hey, how often do covers exactly match what's inside the book?

What do you think of this design? I'd like to hear your opinion!


  1. I like the overall design quite a lot. The only thing I would change is to use a more antiquated font face; the one you're using feels a little too much like it should be the cover for a novel about Iraq or Afghanistan. If you could find a more 19th century font (perhaps something like a playbill or a wanted poster), I think it would look much more "Civil War".

  2. I agree with Jack about the font. It looks used WWII or post nuclear war to me.

  3. I like it.. Your brother in law did a fabulous job..

  4. The photo is great, but maybe you could play around with the layout so the title "A Fine Likeness" is the same color. As it is, the word Likeness appears not to belong with A Fine.
    Just my opinion.

  5. Sean I think it is a great cover. I also agree with what Jack posted.

  6. I like the design a lot. I think it is great.


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